Implen Celebrating 20 Years!
Meet the
NanoPhotometer® Crew
How the NanoPhotometer® N120
really works
Introducing the Implen NanoPhotometer® Crew
Important Backstage Information*
For more than a decade Implen has been working together with the two most important authorities overlooking the global spectrophotometer community: the Global Institute of Spectroscopy and it’s Technologies (GIST) and the Central Spectroscopy Agency (CSPA). These organizations not only help to define and preserve necessary standards, but also train special agents that are helping to advance the technology around the globe and to fight evil forces trying to undermine the integrity of data and results. To keep your back they fight every battle on your behalf to ensure that all laboratories can operate without interruption and full confidence into their data.
We now would like to give you the opportunity to meet these dedicated individuals and witness their selfless never ending commitment to provide trustworthy results for researchers in every country around the world. Their adventures have been videotaped and are available on every instrument starting with firmware version 4.3 installed – with the new screensaver feature activated. Make sure to always update to the latest firmware version since new stories might have been added with the new firmware update.
Meet the Crew!

Hi, I’m Special Agent Vis
Hi, I’m Special Agent UV

Woof, I’m Lambert
Professor Beer